Hello! Welcome....
Inspire and Flow represents the space cultivated through Regina's classes for sharing grounding and uplifting yoga with others. Having a dedicated practice for numerous years prior to teaching, and enjoying the abundance of benefits that come with a continuous regimen, Regina had the strong desire to deepen her own practice and ultimately teach. Being an instructor for 9 years, her creative approach to sequencing is centered around building balance and mind, body, spirt alignment to enhance focus, connection, creativity and flow, so that we can all live and manifest fully on the journey of life.
Stay in touch for class & event updates!
Summer Thursdays Vinyasa Soul Flow (Oakland Yoga Collective) @ 7:30-8:30AM Virtual
Summer Saturdays Inspire Your Day Rise & Shine Flow (Abundant Space) @ 9:00-9:45 AM Virtual
Sundays Mindful Vinyasa @ 9:30-10:30AM Zoom
Sep/Oct Girls For Change Wellness Immersion Mindfulness Workshops Virtual
*At times pop-up sessions at special events, additional studios, art galleries and other locations
*YTTP (200hr), M. Soisson & Santa Cruz Yoga (Prenatal Training), Trauma Informed Training (Hala Khouri)
*Community & social cause classes....Joyce Gordon Art Gallery (Oakland)/ Sseko Designs (Africa)
Join us in community @ www.ginalizlifestyle.com
© 2011